Env-Alias is a helper utility to create shell alias commands that easily set collections of environment variables often with secret values from a variety of data-sources and data-formats.

Typically this tool is invoked via an entry in .bash_aliases with an entry in the form

  eval $(env-alias my-alias-name ~/path-to/my-alias-name-config-file.yml)

Where this example would establish a shell alias command for the alias my-alias-name that then invokes the env-alias-generator with configuration from ~/path-to/my-alias-name-config-file.yml

That all might sound quirky, however the mechanism is enormously useful in working with large sets of environment variables from encrypted or otherwise secured data-sources which means an environment configuration can be easily committed to source control without the secret values.


  • Data sources: local-file, http-remote, exec-stdout or directly-set
  • Source file formats: text, ini, json, yaml
  • Select using jq-style selectors, xpath selectors or line-numbers
  • Reference other env values within configuration
  • Content-Type detection for http-remote data-sources to automatically assign appropriate parser
  • Run exec helper commands without content assignment for creating setups
  • Logs output to STDERR
  • Easy installation using PyPI pip
  • Plenty of documentation and examples - https://env-alias.readthedocs.io


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pip install [--upgrade] env-alias


Read the documentation, there really is a lot of awesome things to do with env-alias
